Tuesday, November 29, 2011 0 comments

The Different Me

Everyone is different. so do i. i'm different in different way ( i think)

so, what do you think the differentiate that i have? any idea? I'm different in different way, so only the different people will know why that i'm calling that (poyo gler).

so let me introduce all of reader what the different that I have :-) .... 

If  you was offered this type of bear, which one will you choose?

I know that everyone will choose the orange one, am I right?
but, I'm prefer the purple one :-) so, where the different that i have?

How about this :

which one your choice? I know it, that must be the purple one am i right?
But, I'm still will choose the white one :-)
Still not get it why I'm call myself a different right 

>jeng jeng jenggggg<

when you get that kind of stuff (the bear and flower),  go and ask the person A which one will his/her choice

Then, at the same picture, ask the person B which one will be his/her choice

Try over and over again...
Which ANSWER that will you get?

I'm very sure that the ANSWER that will you get it same that YOU answer it

So let's me ask you, where the different if every person think like others think.

Everyone trying to be different from other. but in fact, we are the same.
same thinking, same interested same same  same
that why i think many people in this WORLD :

> wearing a weird cloth
> Doing some unnecessary action
> make up some weird culture
> many many many moreee

For me, the different is NOTHING

~ as long as I'm who I'm
~ as long as I'm as MYSELF
~ as long as I'm will I'm




Monday, November 28, 2011 0 comments

Every Person Have A Song

Song @ Lagu...satu benda yang X asing lagi bagi manusia zaman moden. rase ye setiap orang mesti ade lagu kegemaraan masing-masing tul x? x kira la, budak skema ke, punk ke, lebai ke, normal cm aku ke tul x tul x... cume genre je yg berbeza-beza.

mmmm....TAPI, BUT..sejauh mana kita LAYAN lagu tu? hanya lirik je ke, muzik ke, artis ke, mende2 ke.
for me (tgk ckp omputih), aku x pilih antara artis, muzik or composer..just ape yang best untuk telinga aku dengar. kebanyakan lagu yang aku suke, akan ade kisah dia..waaaaa...

ini dia lagu-lagu yang tersenarai dalam TOP LIST owe hahahaaa...

Lagu untuk Owe :-)

21 guns by GREEN DAY

kenapa aku suke lagu ni? sebab...sebab...sebab..ntah, aku pun xtau. i'm just love to hear its melody. tambah lagi dia pye lirik..makan dalam tu.(untuk spe yg terkena la)

Lagu untuk Kawan aku :-)

Picture In My Head by Westlife

aku suke lagu ni..best sgt. aku ade ramai kawan, n every of them have special moment with me. so, i'm always want keep that memory in my head..

Lagu untuk Ehem-ehem hehehe :-*

This I Promise You by N-Sync

no komen about this song heheheee....